2’s Classes

2’s Classes

  • 10 students per class, with 2 Classroom Volunteers per class session

  • Children must be two years old by August 31st in order to enroll in this class.

  • There are two classes held each Monday & Friday.

  • Please note that we cannot accept teacher requests when families are registering for the AM 2s classes.  However, we will allow for a “friend request” so that families can notify us if there is another student they would like to have their child placed with.  There is no guarantee that friends can be placed together, but our teaching staff will honor those requests if possible.


Monday & Friday AM

9:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Teachers: Nancy Weier & Katherine Morrison


3’s Classes

  • 12 students per class.

    Classes have 1 Classroom Volunteer per class session.

  • Children must be three years old by August 31st in order to enroll in this class.

  • There are two AM T/W/Th classes held each week. There is one PM T/W/Th class held each week.

  • Please note that we cannot accept teacher requests when families are registering for the AM 3s classes.  However, we will allow for a “friend request” so that families can notify us if there is another student they would like to have their child placed with.  There is no guarantee that friends can be placed together, but our teaching staff will honor those requests if possible.


Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday AM

9:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Teachers: Angie Haluapo & Alice Barker

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday PM

12:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Teacher: Angie Haluapo


4’s Classes

  • 18 students per class, 1 Classroom Volunteer per class session. 

  • Children must be four years old by August 31st in order to enroll in this class.

    Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/ Thursday AM

    9:00 AM - 11:30 AM

    Teacher: Elaine Walker

    Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/ Thursday PM

    12:30 PM - 3:00 PM

    Teacher: Elaine Walker

  • Our AM and PM classes have a full time assistant teacher

Blended Enrichment

Blended Enrichment is for our students enrolled in 3s or 4s AM classes who are fully potty trained. This is a blended classroom that focuses on making S.T.E.A.M.! (The class explores Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics).

Students can be enrolled in 1, 2, 3, or 4 days a week.

12 students max per day


11:30 AM- 3:00 PM


Monday—> Nancy Weier

Tuesday-Thursday —> Alice Barker

This class has an Assistant Teacher

*If you are enrollment in Blended Enrichment, you DO NOT need to enroll in Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch is for our students enrolled in any 3s or 4s class who wants to experience eating lunch with friends at school. The Lunch Bunch hour extends the school day by 1 hour.

During Lunch Bunch, students will eat their own packed lunch with other Lunch Bunch members as well as the Blended Enrichment class.

Students can be enrolled in 1, 2, 3, or 4 days a week.


11:30 AM- 12:30 PM

The Lunch Hour has a leading staff member.

Lunch Bunch will also always have a Lunch Bunch Helper (one of our Family Job Teams) to assist.

*You would NOT enroll in Lunch Bunch if you are enrolled in Blended Enrichment for that same day. Lunch Bunch is only to extend the school day by 1 hour. You can enroll in Lunch Bunch if you are in an AM class or a PM class.