Open Board Positions

Open Board Positions for 2025-26 School Year

Executive Board Duties


Each Executive Board Member‘s term runs from June 1 of the year elected to May 31 of the following year. Candidates interested in this position are chosen by a majority vote of the Executive Board. This person is then Officer-in-Training beginning in March until the end of May of the elected year, before taking office in June of the elected year. If the officer wishes to continue in the position for the next school year, they may elect in January to continue in the position for the following year with the approval of the President and a majority vote from the Executive Board. Upon completion of the term, the outgoing officer is responsible for training a replacement.


1. Tuition reimbursement of the equivalent of one child’s 4 day a week tuition.

2. Board members register their children before returning and new parents. Board members do not have to wait in line for registration.

3. Each board member has one vote on the executive board. Each board member has an important role in the day to day running of the school.

Executive Board Requirements:

You are required to attend meetings/events:

Executive Board Meetings: 11 Total Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan (2), Feb, Apr, May, June, July, Aug (None in Sept & March)

Parent Board Meetings: 5 Total Oct, Nov, Jan, Feb, Apr (Executive Board Meetings are held prior to these)

Orientation in September

Fundraising/Marketing events ongoing throughout the school year as needed

Open House in February Returning parent and new parent registrations in February & March

Additional Job Duties:

Every Executive Board position shares the responsibility of administering the Preschool with other Executive Board members. Each Officer is required to attend monthly Executive Board meetings and Parent Board meetings, as well as extra meetings called by the President or Executive Board. An Officer may also be asked to sit on interview or review panels, as needed, to provide feedback from those meetings, and to vote on other Executive Board positions. They also will provide help for all other Executive Board members in what they need.

The Vice President, Facilities Officer, Treasurer, and Registrar are members of the Camas-Washougal Co-op Preschool Executive Board. Each of these positions are an interviewed position that is filled by the Executive Board.

Vice President Main Job Duties

● Attend all Executive Board and Parent Board meetings.

● The Vice President works closely with the President and assists when/however needed, including being present during teacher meetings with the President.

● The Vice President is responsible for assigning parents to various family jobs.

● Communicate with the appropriate family jobs (bulletin board, memory book, chairs, etc) about deadlines and/or events their job is responsible for.

● The Vice President works closely with the Registrar to fill any vacancies that may arise during the year.

● The Vice President works closely with the Classroom Coordinators

● Coordinates and schedules Picture Day(s)

● Orders Memory Books and communicates with Mixbooks for a discount

● Plans/coordinates the distribution of ordered Memory Books

● Assists the President with with any tasks deemed necessary- fills in for the president when needed

Time Commitment: During months when there are Executive and Parent Board meetings, about 3 hours is spent attending both meetings. Preparation of committees and family jobs are accomplished during the months before school (summer), estimated at 20 hours a week. During the school year, about 2-6 hours may be spent per week on committees, phone calls, and other Executive Board duties.

Facilities Officer Main Job Duties

● Attend all Executive Board and Parent Board meetings.

● Fixes broken items in the classrooms and/or coordinates repairs with the SJPC Buildings & Grounds team and Church Pastor/Elders.

● Maintains the cleanliness and order of the Preschool.

● Addresses the teachers’ building maintenance needs in a timely manner.

● Responsible for set-up and take-down of classroom/entrance Christmas trees.

● Must be available in the summers for projects that may be small or large. You will have the ability to use some of your cleaning crew and/or fellow board members to help facilitate the completion of the larger projects.

● Coordinates the carpet cleanings.

● Serves as a liaison with church personnel regarding any maintenance issues.

● The chairperson for the Monthly Cleaning Crew.

● Attends and organizes the monthly preschool cleaning.

● The chairperson for the Landscape and Pet Care Team which is responsible for playground and landscape maintenance and the care of Zeppelin the guinea pig.

● The chairperson for the janitorial team.

Time Commitment: During months when there are Executive and Parent Board meetings, about 3 hours is spent attending both meetings. Additionally expect 10 hours per month during the school year. The summer time commitment could be much more depending on the project’s scope.

Treasurer Main Job Duties

● Attend all Executive Board and Parent Board meetings.

● Co-signer on the preschool bank account, along with the President and Fundraising Officer.

● Approves and pays all expenditures and bills. Reviews co-op purchases by officers with bank account access.

● Paying wages to employees, and providing necessary information to the accountant for payroll taxes. Provide paystubs to employees.

● Send tuition invoices, collect tuition and follow up on unpaid accounts

● Work with Fundraising Officer to track fundraiser income, provide documentation needed for grant applications, and send bills for fundraiser buy-out balances.

● Track donations received and send receipts to donors

● Lead the development of the annual budget, along with the President, which includes expense category budget, tuition rates, and staff salaries. Budgets are created using Google Sheets.

● Work with the President to create and update staff contracts

● Present the budget to the Executive Board and Parent Board for approval at the February meeting

● Perform monthly budget reviews and track adherence to the budget and projected cash flow. Quickbooks software is used for all financial documentation. Send monthly payroll reports, bank statements, and budget reports to the financial team.

● Update the Washington State nonprofit registration page with any changes to board members.

Time Commitment: The job of Treasurer is estimated at 5-6 hours per week but may require up to 9 hours on occasion. During weeks with Executive Board and Parent Board meetings, approximately 3 hours is spent attending both meetings. Payroll takes 1-3 hours once monthly. Sending tuition invoices and related bookkeeping takes 3-6 hours each trimester, on average.

Registrar Main Job Duties

● The Registrar is in charge of making sure there is effective registration for the Preschool (New Families, Returning Parent, and Open House). Often the Registrar is a prospective parent’s first point-of-contact for the Preschool, and he/she spends much time fielding phone calls and answering questions or explaining our co-op philosophy. The Registrar also works with the teachers to schedule tours of the school when necessary.

● The Registrar makes sure online registration forms & links are up-to-date and posted in a timely manner via communication with the Community Outreach officer (3-4 weeks before registration).

● At the beginning of the school year, the Registrar works closely with the Vice President to make sure each enrolled family has a job within the Co-op

● Creating & Maintaining the updates to the School Calendar

● Keeping class lists updated

● Collecting WSP Background Check forms, running them through WATCH and using this information to prepare an approved parent helper list with the Secretary

● Creating the Orientation packet with the Executive Board and sending the electronic links out

● Coordinate Registration nights (New Family & Returning Family) & Open House

● Place students in classes over summer with the President ● Add all new students into Brightwheel along with the parents names and phone numbers,and students birthdays. Coordinate with teachers, treasurer, VP, and other officers as needed to ensure that students joining mid-year have completed all necessary steps prior to first day of class

Time Commitment: 10 – 15 hours per month. Hours may vary depending on required changes in documents, data, and projects.

Board Positions Open for 2025-2026:

Vice President, Facilities Officer, Treasurer, and Registrar

Multiple Board positions for the 2025-2026 school year are open. Sign-ups will be open from January 17th-30th, and interviews will take place thereafter. We require a résumé and a completed questionnaire which we will provide to you. Upon completion of all interviews, the Executive Board will vote and determine the newly elected Officers.

*Please note that training for these positions will begin in March if possible but no later than April 1, 2025. Elected board members will be invited to April & May Executive Board meetings as non-voting observers. Newly elected officers will also be asked to join our Open House event on March 6th.

If you have questions about Board positions, please contact Gabrielle Whitmann at (360) 356-4746 or